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  • Only check-in days are highlighted
  • Reservations can be Mon-Wed, Wed-Frid, Mon-Fri or Fri-Mon.
  • 2-night minimum during the week, 3-night minimum for weekends.
  • Rare instances of non Mon/Wed/Fri will be highlighted and available to reserve.
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Showing 0 results out of 10 results
5 Things to Do Around Bolt Farm at the End of Summer and Early Fall


5 Things to Do Around Bolt Farm at the End of Summer and Early Fall

Experience the enchanting Bolt Farm, nestled in the Tennessee River Valley, and discover five captivating activities to enjoy during the end of summer and early fall.

Escape to a Cozy Mirror Cabin with Our Hand-Curated Spotify Playlist


Escape to a Cozy Mirror Cabin with Our Hand-Curated Spotify Playlist

Music is a big part of our lives here in the Bolt household. To blend our two worlds, we have hand curated a Spotify playlist imitating the vibe of our new Mirror Cabins. Come stay, and listen on our record player!

5 Reasons to Book A Getaway to the Mirror Cabins at Bolt Farm Treehouse


5 Reasons to Book A Getaway to the Mirror Cabins at Bolt Farm Treehouse

As featured in Travel and Leisure magazine, the Mirror Cabins offer immersive tranquility, luxurious privacy, and unforgettable memories.

30 Conversation Starters for Couples at Bolt Farm Treehouse


30 Conversation Starters for Couples at Bolt Farm Treehouse

Here are 30 of our favorite conversations starters to help couples reconnect while on the mountationtop.

Celebrating Two Years Rest and Reconnection in Tennessee


Celebrating Two Years Rest and Reconnection in Tennessee

Over the past two years, Bolt Farm Treehouse has become a beloved destination for those seeking rest and reconnecting with nature.