Select check-in date
Select available check-in date
Are your desired dates unavailable due to our required minimum night stay or set arrival/departure dates? Call us at 423-815-1562 or book a call with our Expert Trip-Planners. You can also join our Waitlist
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Understanding our Booking Calendar
- Only check-in days are highlighted
- Reservations can be Mon-Wed, Wed-Frid, Mon-Fri or Fri-Mon.
- 2-night minimum during the week, 3-night minimum for weekends.
- Rare instances of non Mon/Wed/Fri will be highlighted and available to reserve.
Possible booking examples
Do you own or know someone who owns a special piece of land that would be a beautiful setting for the next Bolt Farm Treehouse location?
- Get a free weeklong vacation at Bolt Farm Treehouse and $1000 if you refer us to a property we build on.
- Have a Bolt Farm Treehouse location near you.
- Help expand the Bolt Farm Treehouse experience to more places and to more people.

- Make passive income on unused land without doing any work.
- Prestige & notoriety from having luxury treehouses and domes on your property.
- Great for property value.
- Quiet, life-giving nature retreat that inspires lots of people.

- 20+ buildable acres (minimum)
- Space for 25+ building sites
- Expansive nature views
- Mountaintops, high-mountain meadows, old farms, waterfront, mountain views, caves/rocks
- Tranquil, rural settings
- Ideally 45 mins or less from town
- Ideally 90 mins or less from a commercial airport
- Ideally, property is located in an Opportunity Zone
- Short-term rental regulations (existing or on the horizon)
- Zoning limitations
- Land that is scarred
- Noisy areas
- Neighborhoods or HOAs
- Eye-sores in the view
- Property owner is unwilling to sell the land or sign our lease agreement.
Please tell us about the property you have in mind for our next location by completing this form
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