Select check-in date
Select available check-in date
Are your desired dates unavailable due to our required minimum night stay or set arrival/departure dates? Call us at 423-815-1562 or book a call with our Expert Trip-Planners. You can also join our Waitlist
Understanding our Booking Calendar
  • Only check-in days are highlighted
  • Reservations can be Mon-Wed, Wed-Frid, Mon-Fri or Fri-Mon.
  • 2-night minimum during the week, 3-night minimum for weekends.
  • Rare instances of non Mon/Wed/Fri will be highlighted and available to reserve.
Possible booking examples
Open Calendar


Ready to Experience It for Yourself?

These are some of our most secluded, luxurious accommodations yet. Book a call today to learn about our upgraded amenities and seasonal waterfall views! You’ll be one of the first to experience this incredible new offering.

At Bolt Farm Treehouse, our mission is to create an unforgettable and unique stay for you. However, we cannot control natural elements such as waterfall activity or snowfall, which are influenced by Tennessee’s weather patterns. For guidance on how to experience these seasonal wonders, feel free to consult our expert trip planning specialists who can assist you with planning the best time for your stay.